Man arrested over crossbow attacks in London

A man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after two people were injured in separate crossbow attacks in London.

Officers detained the 47-year-old as part of an “intelligence-led policing operation” at about 11pm on Sunday in Shoreditch, said the Metropolitan Police.

The operation was in response to two incidents in Shoreditch earlier this month, police said.

The Met added the search of an address had led to the discovery of a crossbow, knives and other weapons.

Detective Chief Superintendent, James Conway, said: “I’m acutely aware of the level of concern in the community following these awful attacks.

“Since the first incident the police response has been immediate and dynamic, with my detectives leading a significant investigation involving CCTV trawls, intelligence and forensic work, whilst my neighbourhood teams have been engaged in public appeals and reassurance patrols.

“We have been strongly supported by our partners, particularly the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

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“The arrest last night was a significant development in our investigation, but this remains a complex and ongoing policing operation.”

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